Tuesday 30 June 2015

5 Foods to eat daily

Choosing nutritious foods helps your health in two ways. First, a diet packed with fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats helps you feel fuller on fewer calories, which is key in keeping your weight in check.

1.Green Beans

Filling up on green beans, and other high-fiber foods, can help you prevent weight gain or even promote weight loss Research shows that eating foods that are full of water, such as watermelon, helps keep you satisfied on fewer calories.
Interestingly enough, drinking water alongside foods doesn’t have the safe effect.) At 92 percent water, watermelon is a good source of vitamin C. When it’s the red variety, it also has lycopene, an antioxidant that may help protect against heart disease and some types of cancer. Other foods that are made mostly of water include cucumbers (95 %), salad greens (90 %) and strawberries 


Eating more vitamin-C rich foods, such as oranges, tomatoes, strawberries and broccoli, may be a secret to smoother skin.Leave the tomatoes on your face for a minimum of ten minutes, then wash. Your face will feel clean and shiny. Some redness may occur, but should fade with time.Tomatoes help prevent several types of cancer.

A number of studies have been conducted that indicate that the high levels of lycopene in tomatoes works to reduce your chances of developing prostate, colorectal and stomach cancer.
Lycopene is a natural antioxidant that works effectively to slow the growth of cancerous cells. Cooked tomatoes produce even more lycopene, so go ahead and cook up a batch of your mom’s famous tomato soup.


Garlic has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Most of its disease-fighting potential comes from its sulfur compounds, which act as antioxidants, providing many of its cardiovascular benefits. Just six or more cloves of garlic a week can slash your risk of colorectal, stomach and prostate cancer in half compared to eating one clove a week or less.


Oats’ cholesterol- and blood pressure-lowering powers come from beta-glucan, a type of soluble fibre. One cup (250 mL) a day of cooked oat bran, 1 ½ cups (375 mL) of cooked oatmeal or thee packets of instant oatmeal provide enough beta-glucan to lower blood cholesterol by about five percent and heart attack risk by about 10 percent. 

How much? Aim for 10 grams of soluble fibre each day. Cooked oats contain 2 to 3 grams per serving. 

Tip: Buy the type of oatmeal you’ll eat. It doesn’t matter if it’s steel-cut or instant.

If you're trying to lose weight, replace beverages such as pop, alcohol and sweetened and unsweetened fruit drinks (which are full of calories) with plain water and a slice of lemon. Not only does lemon have a lot of flavour, it also contains vitamin C.

5 Foods You Should Never Eat Again

When you are trying to improve your health and lose weight, there are certain foods that you should avoid.
These foods are deeply problematic, because most people do not know to avoid them and therefore end up consuming them much more often than they should. Here are 5 foods that you should never eat again:

1. White Bread

White bread is a staple in most pantries, but the truth is that it doesn’t have any nutritional value. White bread contains a lot of sugar and it doesn’t have the ability to keep you satisfied, so within a few hours you are likely to find yourself feeling hungry and reaching for snacks.As it turns out, even breads that claim to be wheat could contain more sugar than grain and should often be avoided.
Ideally, you should replace your white bread with whole grain or whole wheat bread whenever possible, as whole wheat bread is positively good for your health.

Fried Foods

It is common knowledge that fried foods are not healthy and should be avoidedwhenever it is feasible.
In addition to causing you to pile on the pounds, these foods are of little nutritional value and can cause some serious health problems.
They are associated with higher cholesteroland higher blood pressure, both of which decrease your cardiovascular health and make you more likely to suffer from heart disease or strokes.
Fried foods can also upset the digestive system, leading to uncomfortable acid reflux, and potentially exacerbating the cramps or gas pains associated with irritable bowel syndrome.
Unfortunately, many people exclusively associate fried foods with the French fries, chicken nuggets, onion rings and burgers that you can buy at fast food restaurants.
These people remain unaware that they may also be consuming unhealthy fried foods at home.
If you want to improve your health, you should never fry your meals in a pan on the stove or in a deep fat fryer. Instead, consider baking or broiling.

Thursday 25 June 2015

5 Do’s and Don’ts Of Running An Online eCommerce Website

Do you have your eyes set on starting an eCommerce site? I have to say that if you know how to manage one, it can be an awesome way to make money for you online!  After all, an online eCommerce website is a global business, if managed in the right way.
The thing is, there are a lot of people who have already built their own online eCommerce website, but they’re nowhere near the kind of success that they hoped to achieve.  What’s puzzling them is that they have a fairly large amount of visitors to their site, but their sales just aren’t living up to their expectations. They’re getting little to no sales despite having a fairly large amount of visitors.
If you’re experiencing this or if you are in-fact about to start your own online eCommerce website, then you’re definitely in the right place. We’ll talk about what you can do to convert your traffic and 3 things that you’re probably already doing that’s turning-off your visitors from buying.
Let me start with my two cents on how you’ll convert your traffic. For you to convert your traffic to sales, here’s what you need to do…

Use Quality Product Images

Online eCommerce Website
Whatever it is that you are selling, you need to make sure that you are showing it off to the best of your ability.  People don’t get the chance to touch, feel, smell, etc. as they would were they to buy from a shop down the street.  That is one of the few downsides to buying online, which means you need toshow them quality photos of your products.
Written descriptions can only reassure buyers so far, but images (or even video) will give them confidence to buy from you.  I know I would feel uneasy buying something from a site that didn’t have and decent images of their product.

Speed Up Your Online eCommerce Website

We are all impatient people nowadays.  We don’t have time to waste waiting for your site to slowly load up each page, especially when we can simply navigate to a faster site that sells the same stuff.
That may sound harsh, but it’s a reality that many sites are facing nowadays.  Slow sites (even fractionally slow loading sites) are losing visitors and traffic, which ultimately results in revenue.  Amazon reported that they increased revenue by 1% for every 100 milliseconds of improved site speed, which is a lot of money!
Google and other search engines have also said that site speed is taken into consideration when organizing SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages), so it pays to have a faster site.
Check out our guide to speeding up your website!

List Building!

I should think everyone has heard the line, “The money’s in the list!” right?  Well it really is!
If you’re able to build an email list, you can nurture relationships and send continuous offers to your prospects. Doesn’t that sound likea a sure fire way of getting sales?
Nurturing relationships and sending constant offers?  The sooner you understand and accept this fact, the faster you’ll start converting those visitors into buyers!  Just make sure that your follow-up emails are of good quality and not spammy in nature. You can also send giveaways to your email list so they’ll like you even more. Besides, everyone loves freebies right?
The more you establish how genuine you are in your list and the stronger the relationship you can nurture with them, the easier it is for them to buy from you. Even high ticket products won’t be an issue. Just make sure that you build enough rapport and credibility and you’ll surely see results.
There are tons of other methods that you can use to help you with your conversion. But for now, I’ll leave it at that.

So, What You Are Doing Wrong On Your eCommerce Site

Let’s now talk about the three sure-fire ways on how to turn OFF your visitors from buying from your online eCommerce website:

 1. Spam Them With Pop-ups

Online eCommerce Website
Don’t get me wrong, I think pop-ups are great (when used correctly) but if you just use them to spam your visitors, you’ll be in big trouble. You probably receive emails from your visitors that are complaining about it or perhaps they’ll simply leave your site out of frustration.  Whichever the case is, it points to them not buying anything from you AT ALL!
That said, you have to be very careful when using pop-ups. You need to make sure that they appear in the right place and at the right time. If you just use it without giving the timing and placement careful consideration, your pop-up’s efficiency can backfire on you. 

2. Misrepresent Your Product’s Features 

This unethical and dishonest way of doing business won’t just cost you a sale, it’ll cost you your reputation and any chance of your eCommerce site to succeed!
Misrepresenting your product will only lead to your visitors getting frustrated from buying from you in the first place. You can bet your family jewels that most, if not all of them, will ask for refunds.
Every time you misrepresent your product’s features, you’re not just dirtying your name, you’re tarnishing the name of the internet marketers as a whole! When that happens, selling online gets harder and harder

3. Add Too Many Banner Ads On The Site 

I get what you’re trying to do. You just want to show them as much offer as you can since you’re confident that your product will solve your prospect’s problem right?  That’s all well and good, but you have to understand that there is always a time for everything.
If you add your banner ads in places where your customers expect to see quality content, you’ll be in big trouble.  As a general rule, you have to make sure that your banners aren’t messing with your customers line of sight when they are reading your contents.  Instead of profusely adding banners all over your site, how about you create a clear call to action on all of your blog posts? That way, after they read your posts, they can see what you have to offer and proceed into buying it if they like it.
The things I shared above are all critical points that you should remember if you’re starting an eCommerce site or if you’re already running one right now.
Do you have anything to share about how you managed your own online eCommerce website to make it more successful?  What things put you off buying from a site?  Please let us know and share your ideas in the comments section below. I hope to hear from you soon!

5 ways To Sell An eBook On Amazon

Amazon is one of the best places to buy and sell books online as it has hundreds of millions of users from around the world.  Getting your eBook on Amazon opens the door to a lot more people than you could ever hope to get with a normal website, which is why it is SO important that you get yours listed on there.
Amazon only accepts Kindle formats of eBooks, which can put many bloggers off from using the service as they feel that this process must be difficult.  This however isn’t the case and shouldn’t be a stumbling point for you because Amazon will automatically convert your eBook when you upload it.  Pretty exciting right?!
Selling your eBook on Amazon is not as difficult as it first sounds.  Whilst trying to work through the myriad of Amazon rules and regulations it can appear to be a minefield.  You will however be pleased to hear that there are actually only a few simple steps that you need to take to get your eBook listed for sale.
Let’s get started…

Create an Amazon KDP Account

The first thing you need to do is open up a KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) account with Amazon.  You can sign up for this for free at the following link – https://kdp.amazon.com/self-publishing/signin (If you already have an account with Amazon, you can use the same login details.)
Don’t worry too much if your eBook is not in Kindle format, you still need to sign up.  Your eBook will be converted to Kindle at a later point, so try not to worry.
Once you are all signed up, you will be taken to your “Bookshelf”.  This will list all the books that you have available for sale on Amazon.  This will obviously be empty right now…. but not for long!
eBook On Amazon

Add Your eBook To The Bookshelf

In only a few more steps your e-book will be available for sale with Amazon – it truly is as easy as that!
In the top left hand corner of your KDP account, you will see a tab “Add New Title”.  Click on this tab and it will take you through to the page where you can start entering all the details of your book.
eBook on Amazon
Most of the fields on this page are self explanatory, but if you do become confused there are prompts to give you some direction.  You want to make sure that you fill in each of the sections and provide as MUCH detail as possible about your book.
In the very first section titled ‘Enter Your Book Details’, you will see an option to add an ISBN (International Standard Book Number).  Note that I said “optional”.  When I was looking to add my eBook onto Amazon, everywhere I read said you needed an ISBN number and I didn’t think I would be able to get my e-book listed.
So, I will be very clear here….you DO NOT NEED an ISBN number to sell you e-book on Amazon!  If you do not have this number, simply leave it blank.
If you are self publishing your book, you need to enter your own name into this field.
Choose a category that is relevant for your e-book and use keywords to help customers find your book.  The more targeted keywords you can use, obviously the better this will be.
eBook on Amazon
You will then need to upload a cover image of your eBook.  This image will be shown on Amazon’s sale page, so it is important to spend some time on this getting it right.  If you don’t feel you have the skills to make your own cover, you could hire someone to do it for you.  There are plenty of people onFiverr who can design covers for only $5.  If you do use Fiverr, make sure you check out the sellers credentials first and check previous work they have undertaken.
It is important to note that the image you upload needs to be saved in a JPEG or TIFF format and at least 1000 pixels on the longest side (height/width ratio of 1:6)
eBook on Amazon

Uploading Your eBook

This is the exciting part and you will be surprised at how quick this is to do.
To have your eBook on Amazon it needs to be in Kindle format.  You could organise for this to be converted before uploading, or you could upload the PDF or Word file and have Amazon convert it for you.  This was certainly my preference!
Amazon will take the file that you upload and covert it to a Kindle friendly format.  There is an option to view your converted file and I highly recommend you do this, especially if you have used pictures or graphics in your eBook.  Conversion can sometimes distort the formatting so it is incredibly important you check the final upload BEFORE you continue any further.  This is your book and you need to be happy with the final look.
eBook on Amazon

Confirm Your Pricing & Royalty Options

Amazon requests that you choose between two royalty options which are 35% and 70%.  This is the percentage of the book sale that is given to you, and Amazon will keep the rest.
For a 70% royalty option, the e-book must be priced between $2.99 and $9.99.  If you e-book is priced above or below this amount, you will need to select the 35% option.  It is worthwhile playing around with some figures here, because you may be better off selling your book for $9.99 than $14.99 for instance, as the money in your pocket would be higher.
eBook on Amazon

Wait For Your eBook To Be Published

Once you have completed all the details for your eBook and you have saved it, Amazon will review it before they accept it for sale on their site.  This can take between 24-48 hours, so just be patient!  Amazon will email you once the e-book has been approved and will send you the direct link where it is for sale.
Here is what mine looks like.
eBook on Amazon
All you need to do now is start sharing your new Amazon link and wait for the sales!!!
Have you listed your eBook on Amazon yet?  How did you find the whole process?  Please let us know by leaving a comment below

Wednesday 24 June 2015

5 Ways to Setup Twitter Cards For Your Website

Want more engagement from your Tweets that you use to promote your website content?  If so, why not setup Twitter Cards for your site.  This shows more information on your individual Tweets than regular ones.  In the following post we will show you how to setup Twitter Cards for your site so you can start using them.

What Are Twitter Cards?

Twitter cards are a relatively new feature that allows you to add media to your tweets that link to your website content.  You may have already seen a few sites make use of this, which is actually quite easy to setup.
You should always promote your content on social media as it’s a great way to engage with more people.  Twitter cards simply enhance the way they look to your followers.  So, instead of your Tweet looking like this when you share one of your links….
…it will look like this instead.

Different Types Of Twitter Cards

Twitter actually offers a whole host of different types of Twitter Cards for you to use depending on the type of content that you want to promote.  You can use as many different ones as you want, though that requires extra time to setup.
Here are the 8 different types of Twitter cards that you can use;

1. Summary Card

This is the default card type that you will probably see being used the most.  This is great for lots of different types of content, including; blog posts, news stories, product reviews, etc.

2. Summary Card With Large Image

This is just the same as the default ‘Summary Card’, only that you get a much larger image displayed under your Tweets.

3. Photo Card

As you would imagine, this just shows the image that you are tweeting to everyone.  Very useful for an image based site.

4. Galley Card

Need to display more than one image in your tweets? Well the Gallery Card is probably the best fit for you.

5. App Card

This card is quite interesting.  With this, you can promote your mobile app on Twitter, which includes the name, description and icon.  You can also set it up to include things like rating and price.

6. App Installs and Deep Linking

This type allows you to include a link on your Tweet to open up in a new app.  This is aimed specifically for people on their phones/tablets as if they have that app installed, it will direct them to it immediately.

7. Player Card

This allows you to include streamed media, such as video, audio or slideshows into your Tweets.  Currently, this type of card requires special approval though.

8. Product Card

Include your product in your tweets, which shows an image, description, price and more depending on how you set it up.

Setting Up Twitter Cards For Your Site

Now that you know of the different types of Twitter cards that you can choose from, how do you set them up for your site?  Well, there are two ways to go about this.
Firstly, if you use the excellent WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin, you can use that.  They have the Twitter Card feature all setup, all you have to do is enable it and enter in your Twitter username.  You can find it (if you have it installed) in the ‘WordPress Dashboard > SEO > Social > Twitter’ section.  This is the method I used to setup the ‘Summary Card’ for this site.
Alternatively, head over to Twitter’s Twitter Card page and pick the card that you want to use.  You will be able to setup all the individual aspects that you want to display (so this method is better for the more advanced card types).  You will get an embed code that you will need to add to your site, preferably within the <head> section of your site.

Verify Your Site With Twitter

Whichever method you used, you will now have the Twitter meta tags setup on your pages (if you aren’t sure, check your page source).  Now all you need to do is validate your site with Twitter.
I had setup my tags a while ago, but forgot to validate my site straight away, so mine didn’t work until I did this.
In order to validate, go to the validation page and enter in one of your URLs that includes the meta tags that you have just added.  That’s it!  Twitter will check your site for the code and then start displaying your cards.  This can take a up to two weeks to confirm, though mine came through the next day.
Have you setup Twitter cards for your site yet?  Are you having any problems getting them to show up properly?  Please get in touch below and we will try to help you.

5 Things I Wish I Did Earlier As A Blogger

For the past 5 years I have been fortunate enough to be able to earn a living online, and blogging has been a critical part of my business. Over the years I’ve learned a lot from mistakes that I’ve made, and the good news is that as I start new websites and blogs I can apply the things I’ve learned to speed up the growth process. I’d like to share some of the most important lessons that I’ve learned so that those of you who are just getting started with your blogs can get on the right path faster than I did.
Here are 7 things that I wish I did earlier as a blogger.

1. Built An Email List

When I started blogging there was a lot of talk about how RSS was going to replace email. The main reason was that you didn’t have to worry about spam filters preventing your RSS subscribers from receiving your updates. At that time not many bloggers were focusing on building email lists. If they were offering email subscriptions it was probably through FeedBurner, which is really just a subscription to the RSS feed that is delivered by email.
Then a few years later I started to see some bloggers adding an email newsletter, but I took a while to get on board. Although RSS does offer some nice benefits, it has never proven to be nearly as effective as email for getting results. Email lists tend to be more responsive in terms of clicking on your links in the email, and certainly more responsive for buying products that are promoted to the list.
Once I did eventually get around to focusing on an email list I saw results within just a few months. I used the list to help with selling my own digital products, and it proved to be just as effective as my RSS audience that was much, much larger. If I had started building that email list earlier I could have gained thousands more subscribers and made a lot more money as a result.
I’d recommend that any blogger focus on getting visitors to opt in to an email list, and not just an email subscription through FeedBurner. While FeedBurner can deliver your blog posts by email it lacks many features, like the ability to send emails without posting anything to your blog, A/B subject line testing, autoresponders and email templates. I personally use and recommend GetResponse, but there are other good options too, like AWeber, MailChimp, Constant Contact, and iContact. While FeedBurner’s email features are very limited, FeedBlitz offers a similar service but also includes many additional features.

2. Focused On Profit Instead Of Traffic

In my early days of blogging I was consumed with traffic statistics. I wanted to grow my blog and expand it’s reach, and so I always worked to keep the numbers in Google Analytics moving upwards. While I was able to keep the traffic numbers increasing, I was missing opportunities and focusing on the wrong things. If I had a good day or a good week in terms of traffic I felt encouraged and satisfied with the growth, but ultimately the traffic wasn’t directly making the blog profitable. Visitors would come and go, but if they never returned I hadn’t really gained anything just by having a spike in traffic.
It took a while before I shifted my focus and started putting more emphasis on revenue and profit instead of traffic. Once I did start focusing more on making money with the blog I saw my income rise significantly, even at times when traffic growth slowed down or came to a complete halt.
For new bloggers it can be challenging to get anyone to visit your blog, and seeing that very few people are reading your posts can be discouraging, so when that traffic does start to come it’s easy to get caught up in the numbers. I’m certainly not suggesting that you shouldn’t work hard in order to get more visitors to your blog. What I do want to get across is that you should not measure your success by traffic, or lack thereof, alone. In the end, revenue and profit will have much more impact on your blogging success than traffic, and you don’t always need to have a high traffic blog in order to make decent money with it.
If you find that you’re always consumed with increasing your visitor counts, take a step back and see if you are giving enough attention to your monetization efforts.

3. Focused On Action Goals

Another mistake that I made early on was to set goals based on milestones that I wanted to achieve. So I might have a goal of getting 50,000 visitors during the month, or making $1,000 in the month. Those types goals aren’t bad to have, but they don’t really help you to know what you need to do in order to achieve them.
Later on I changed my approach and started to set action goals that would put me on the right path to success. As an action goal I might say that I want to submit a guest post that gets accepted at ProBlogger this month. This goal is directly related to me completing a specific action that will help me to grow my blog. So my approach now is that I set a lot of small action goals each week and each month. Those goals essentially help me to form a to-do list that keeps me focused and on task, and if I’m able to accomplish all of the goals I will be on the right path towards growing my blog.
I still use milestone goals sometimes, usually aimed at a certain revenue that I want for a given month, but I use them mostly as motivational tools and also to give me a reason to enjoy and celebrate a good month. If I do set a milestone goal I put a plan in place using action goals that I think will get me to the point of achieving that milestone.

4. Created and Sold Products

Early on in my blogging career I mostly made money from AdSense and advertising sales. If you have enough traffic and you’re in an industry where advertisers are willing to pay to reach your audience, you can obviously make money with this approach. However, my income really took off when I added other sources of revenue, most specifically, product sales. In just about any industry or niche you can create digital products, and a blog is an excellent tool for marketing those products.
With your blog you’re already working to build up a targeted audience, and you’re working to establish the reputation of your blog and of yourself as the blogger. This makes it a great fit as a place to offer and promote products that are relevant to your audience. Your products could be eBooks, online courses, videos, access to premium content, or any other type of digital product that can be downloaded.
Creating and selling products does take considerable time and effort, but if you’re looking to maximize what you can make from your blog it is a good option to pursue.

5. Outsourced Some Work

One of the biggest keys to success as a blogger is to work efficiently. Whether you are blogging part-time or full-time, those hours that you are dedicating to your blog are very valuable and limited. There are many different tasks that you’ll be responsible for as a blogger, and some of them can be outsourced. Hiring freelancers or virtual assistants can be a good way to free up your time for the most important things.
Early on I did everything for my blogs. Slowly I started to outsource some of the work, and I’ve seen the benefits in how it frees up my own time and ultimately allows me to be more profitable. I now outsource the writing at some of my blogs, some of the product creation, as well as some design and coding work. For a long time I didn’t want to pay someone to write a blog post that I could write myself, but eventually I decided that if I could hire someone at a rate lower than the value I place on my own time, then it is a good deal.
There will some situations where you don’t want to outsource the work, even if it makes sense financially. For example, at ProfitBlitz.com I plan to write all of the blog content myself because I want it to be a blog where I share things that I’ve learned, but at my other blogs that are less personal to me I will outsource if it makes sense financially.
In the previous point I recommended that you consider creating and selling products from your blog. This is actually an ideal scenario for outsourcing. You may not have the time or expertise to create a product that you want to sell, and you can probably find a freelancer to hire for the project. This is a great way to get started with selling products even if your time is extremely limited. I’ve outsourced product creation for several years and it has turned out to be a very good strategy for me. The key is hiring the right person. Sites like Elance, Odesk, and Microlancer are great for finding freelancers who are looking for work.

6. Pursued Joint Venture Opportunities

After I started selling products from my blog I occasionally pursued joint venture opportunities with other bloggers and website owners, and this opened up a lot of new possibilities. The most common joint venture scenario for me has been partner with bloggers or website owners to sell my products at their site, often times through a limited-time promotional offer. The ideal situation is to partner with someone who shares a similar target audience as my own blog, and someone who either doesn’t sell their own products or sells related but non-competing products. If another blogger or website owner sells the same types of products as me, obviously they’re not likely to be interested in partnering with a competitor.
These types of opportunities helped me to make some money without doing very much extra work. I already had the products created, and they already have the established audience. I’ve also worked on the other side where I promoted someone else’s product to my blog audience for a limited-time promo, but I don’t have as much experience with this.
I had been selling products for a year or more before I pursued these types of joint ventures, and I wish I had not waited so long. If you are selling your own products, or if you have an established audience through your blog or email list, you have the potential to join forces with someone else to make money together.

7. Prepared In Advance For A Blog Sale

Over the last 5 years I’ve sold a few blogs in situations where I was ready to move on and do something else. The biggest mistake I made with my first blog sale was that I didn’t prepare to sell the blog in advance. I had a good month or two prior to selling it and I thought that success would translate to a big payday. While that increase in revenue and profit did help me to make more than I would have based on the previous months with lower incomes, I would have been much better off if I had a year, or even 6 months, at the higher income level. Buyers want to see more sustainability if they’re going to pay a higher amount, and one or two good months may not be enough to convince them that the blog can continue to produce at that level.
If you are thinking about selling your blog at some point in the future, I recommend that you plan in advance so that you can maximize the value of the blog and allow yourself the time to prove that value to potential buyers.

What’s Your Experience?

If you’ve been blogging for a while, what do you wish you had done earlier?  Please let us know in the comments below.

5 Ways To Help Fix Your Blog

Let’s be honest for a second, “Your Blog Sucks!!
Harsh I know, but it’s an important point for you to realise if you intend to make a success of your website. Ask any successful blogger and they will tell you that at sometime or another their own blog sucked! None of us start out with an amazing, absolutely perfect site where we get everything right first time, every time. We all have to learn the hard way and make mistakes along the way. In fact ask any successful entrepreneur or business owner and they will say the same thing about their businesses, that they had to learn from the mistakes that they made along the way to get them where they are today.
Even as I am writing this, I know that there are plenty of things that I need to work on to improve this very site because I know that my site is not perfect and it never will be. I need to constantly improve and develop this site to keep you readers returning for more.
So it’s fine to say that your blog sucks. In fact it’s a positive thing to acknowledge that your website sucks because it means that you realise that you have things to improve on.
So lets look at some of the most common reasons why a blog sucks and ways in which to fix them.

1. You Use A Rubbish Website Design

The layout of your website is very important. This is how you display your content to your site visitors. Now, the problem may be that people find it difficult to navigate around your site, or that you use the exact same layout as hundreds of other sites. People remember your site based on it’s appearance, you may write the best articles on the internet, but if they are displayed poorly or worse that they can’t find them due to poor website design, then they won’t stick around for long.
First and foremost, you need to make sure that the design you use for your website makes it really easy for people to navigate around your site and find what they are after. This may just require you to place a few more links around your site or change the way you display your content.
Secondly, I’d discourage you from using a website theme that is used by lots of other websites. Imagine you go to a book shop or video store and all the books and DVD’s had the same front cover. It would be difficult to distinguish between them and find what you were looking for. Well using the same website theme as other sites can be similar to this. If anything, people may just forget which site they read your content on.
Make sure you use a unique theme for your blog. You could choose to invest in a custom made theme specifically for your site from a web designer. Alternatively, you could just spend some time customizing the theme that you have, perhaps making sure that you have a unique logo and changing all the background colours. This option is much cheaper and probably a much better decision if you are just starting out. For some high quality website themes to use, make sure you check out these sources

2. You Make It Difficult For Visitors To Interact With You

This is a very common mistake by new bloggers. When visitors navigate to your website, they find it hard to get in touch with you, whether it’s because you don’t have a contact page, social media accounts, RSS feed, a subscribe button, etc. or whether they are just hard to find!
Thankfully this is a pretty easy problem to fix. You just need to make sure that you position all these things (contact page, social media account links, RSS feed, a subscribe button, etc.) where visitors can see them. Either position them in your website header at the top of the page, in your sidebar, in your website footer or actually before/after your blog posts. I find that using a combination of these works best because you know that they won’t miss them.

3. You Don’t Have Anything For Your Readers To Subscribe To

It’s one thing if people can’t find where to subscribe, but not having anything for readers to subscribe to is a big mistake! You are really missing out if you are not offering a free newsletter or eCourse for people to sign up to because this is a great way to encourage people to come back and revisit your website. The more people you have subscribed to your site, the more people you an get back to your site and read your latest content, buy products, click on adverts, etc.
I’d highly recommend that you sign-up to AWeber, the email marketing program that all the professionals use (including me). This helps to manage your email list of subscribers and sends out automatic emails to your followers. Check out our other articles to learn more;
  • ‘AWeber Review – How to Pick the Right Email Auto-Responder?‘
  • ‘Use Email Marketing to Increase Traffic with Return Visitors!

4. You Don’t Interact With Your Reader’s

You can’t expect to grow a website and get lots of people visiting and talking about it if you don’t interact with them. You may as well just stand on a box in your local town centre and shout at people, but ignore the ones that talk back to you. Blogging is a two way thing, you need to interact with them just as much as you need them to interact with you.
Make sure you answer people’s questions, reply to comments, be helpful, answer Tweets, etc. If someone asks for additional help on a subject that you have covered, try to help them out. Most likely they won’t be the only one who has this problem.
If people see that you are helpful, they are more likely to keep coming back to your website. If they see you as unhelpful, then they will just go elsewhere. It’s as simple as that!

5. Leaving A Comment On Your Blog Is A Nightmare

The whole point of comments is to help build a community around your website. If people find it difficult or the whole process to long, then they won’t bother. Comments are a great way to get feedback from your readers and see how your writing is being noticed.
The easy way to fix this would be to switch to another commenting system. Try something like ‘Disqus‘ or the ‘Facebook commenting system‘. These make leaving a comment much easier for people, which ultimately encourages them to leave more comments.
Why not leave a comment below and see how easy it is! Do you have any other suggestions to help people with their website?

5 Ultimate Ways To Make Your Blog ‘Supereb

Firstly I’d like to thank you all for allowing me to guest post on his awesome blog.  Today I want to dive straight in and share with you 5 super cool ways to make your blog super user friendly , it’s all about your audience and giving your site users the best experience ever each time they visit your blog.
Let’s face it; owning a blog that is ‘blinged to the eyeballs’ with colourful ads and banners, widgets and gimmick pop-up features of all sorts is no longer the trend.  Nope, instead the web is favouring more towards a cleaner and clutter free environment; it’s all about making your content stand out and providing value.
Also as it happens, if you want to remain good friends with Google, and you’re still holding onto that dated WordPress theme, then you’d better clean up your act, because these days Google prefers sites that are much cleaner, faster to load, less spammy looking and most importantly sites take responsive design seriously, we’ll talk about achieving all those things below.
OK enough of me ranting, let’s dive straight in.
To make this post a little more interesting, just open up a new tab in your web browser right now and bring up your blog’s home page.
Now we’re ready…

1. Optimize Blog Loading Speed and Site Performance

Right, do a little test, head over to https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/ and check your blog’s homepage loading speed insights.
This is a very useful free tool and it will show you where you’ll need to make crucial improvements to improve page speed insight score; the score is given out of a possible 100, each for mobile and desktop.
In the results you’ll also be shown how many rules have been passed for your site, if you look at the results for Online Income Teacher for example, the site has a page speed score of 83/100 on desktop which is pretty good. See image below.

OK, so let’s say your site isn’t scoring too well in the page speed insight test; don’t worry as you’ll be given some suggestions on what to do to improve this, in addition here are a few other things you can do right now to improve your blog’s performance on the web.
If you’re new to all this and are wondering why page speed is so important, think about this carefully, say you were browsing the web and you came across a website that took forever to load, would you hang around waiting or would you hop to another site?  I think I know what your answer would be.  Your blog visitors won’t wait either, and slow loading sites do not provide a good user experience.
OK so here’s what you can do.
  1. Use a reliable web host, or consider upgrading your current service if you believe your current plan isn’t up to scratch.
  2. If you’re using WordPress, minimize the number of plugins you have installed and active on your blog.
  3. Optimize your images by shrinking the image files.
  4. Use a well coded and optimized WordPress theme with HTML5 markup.
  5. Minimize the number of scripts you have embedded in your blog’s header, footer and sidebar.
  6. If you’re using WordPress again, install a reliable cache plugin like WP Super Cache.
  7. Use a reliable content delivery network such as MaxCDN.
  8. Minify JS and CSS, by installing the Better WP Minify plugin.
  9. Use the Better Delete Revision plugin for WordPress to delete all post and page revisions.

2. Declutterize Your Blog

Yes I know the word “declutterize” probably doesn’t exist in the dictionary, but what I mean by this is remove as many distractive items as possible from your blog, give your blog a spring clean if you like.
Think about the things you have in your header, sidebar and footer and even in your content.
If you firmly believe that your content is that valuable, then why hide it amongst all the clutter?
Here are some suggestions for spring cleaning your blog and making it super user friendly.
Disclosure: These are just some recommendations or suggestions to consider based on my experience with declutterization, I’m not ordering you to do all of these things.
Consider getting rid of any annoying pop-ups (e.g. ads, opt-in forms, special offers etc, you don’t need them).  Let your blog visitors enjoy exploring your site and reading through your awesome content before shoving an email opt-in form in their face.  If they decide to signup because they like what they’ve read, they can do so by using the opt-in form in your sidebar, which brings me to my next suggestion.
Get rid of any other ‘conversion killing’ distractions in your sidebar.  If you’re as passionate as I am about building an audience for your blog (list building), consider getting rid of any needless distractions and gimmick features in your sidebar, things that could potentially be killing your opt-in conversion rate.
AdSense makes NoSense, just Cents.  That’s my motto when it comes to making your blog content the centre of attention.
Think about it, do you want your visitors to read your awesome content, love it, share it and even consider signing up for future updates?
Or do you want to send them away to another site, maybe even your competitor’s site, for the sake of a few cents, by allowing them to click on an AdSense ad?  Or maybe even put them off altogether.
If you really have to display ads on your blog, keep in mind your ad to content ratio, or even consider substituting AdSense ads for more targeted and profitable affiliate banner ads.
Have an effective internal linking structure – Check how your content is linked together and have a better linking structure to provide better user experience.  A good linking structure can encourage visitors to explore more pages on your blog and have them spend a little longer consuming your awesome content.

3. Improve Your Content and Readability

Now we get to the actual content and readability.  Ensure that your content is easy to read.  Use larger fonts and wider line spacing between texts and paragraphs.
The font colour is essential too so avoid using font colours that clash with your site’s background, for example using yellow text against a white background is a certain no, no.
Also make your navigational buttons larger.

4. Refresh Your Blog Theme Design and Layout

We finally we get to the design and layout of your blog.  We briefly talked about parting with that old expired WordPress theme you’ve been holding onto for the last 5 years or so, if there ever was a better time to do this, now is that time.
These days web browsers access and consume content not just from their desktop computers, but also their mobile devices, we’re talking about smartphones, laptops and of course tablet PC’s, and the number of people doing this will certainly increase throughout 2014 and beyond.
This means it’s time for you to think about getting a brand new blog theme that takes into consideration the following key features:
  • Responsive design
  • HTML5 markup (the new web standard compliant coding)
  • Flat clean modern design elements
  • SEO friendly
  • Social sharing features
  • Multiple page layout and styles
  • Automatic upgrade and support
  • HD and retina display ready
  • Security
So there you have it folks, 4 very effective ways to make your blog more user friendly in 2014 and beyond, now if you think you can improve your blog using these tips and suggestions, go and make a start today.

Share Your Own Tips and Ideas

If you have your own tips and suggestions you’d like to add to this post, please feel free to leave a comment below to share, I look forward in engaging with you here on Online Income Teacher.
Over and out for now.